Pendampingan Etika Komunikasi Dalam Meningkatkan Kredibilitas Di Tingkat Pemerintahan



It is necessary to increase the capacity of kelurahan government officials in terms of their
knowledge and abilities when carrying out their duties and responsibilities to balance the dynamics
and development of the community in the kelurahan. Without these efforts, it is impossible for
development to succeed given the limited resources available at the kelurahan level. According to
Masdar (2005) there are four main missions in developing the apparatus, namely: first, realizing a
professional state administration system. Second, develop bureaucratic ethics and a transparent
work culture. Third, accountable, sensitive and responsive to the aspirations of the community.
Fourth, realizing a public service management system that is fast, precise and satisfying. Given
the complexity of the aspects or fields to be developed at the lowest level of government, one of
the aspects that first needs to be developed is to increase the capacity of the village government
apparatus in carrying out government administration tasks, in addition to strengthening community
and institutional participation as well as other aspects of other. The development of communication
ethics in increasing the credibility of the village apparatus will indirectly have a very good impact
on government agencies. So in general it can be said that the development of human resource
capacity through ethical communication skills. will have many positive effects on all sub-district
apparatus and levels of society because it will accommodate all the conveniences of service that
will be enjoyed by the community. This means that communication ethics is not only devoted to
one group but to all kelurahan apparatuses. Seeing the condition of public services in Tambak
Wedi Village, Kenjeran District, Surabaya City, at least there are some problems experienced by
Tambak Wedi Village. First, the lack of understanding of the urgency of good communication
ethics in providing a public service. Second, the lack of leadership commitment in realizing the
principles of good communication ethics for village government employees in providing public
services. Third, there are no effective and efficient public service standards. Fourth, human
resources. Fifth, there is no will, commitment to implementation and internal coordination. Sixth,
facilities and infrastructure. The solution offered in this community service program is the
strengthening of village apparatus human resources in collaboration with the Immigration Office
Class I TPI Tanjung Perak. First, the activity was carried out by sharing discussions related to
strengthening or improving the human resources of urban village apparatus through
communication ethics in providing public services, secondly, FGD activities aimed at solving
problems in Tambak Wedi Village, Kenjeran District, Surabaya City. Third, the preparation of
public service standards in accordance with Law No. 25 of 2009 and Permenpan No. 36 of 2012.

Keywords: Communication Ethics, Credibility, Kelurahan


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Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi